A picture of Ciel,exhausted after he went out with dad for half a day.
I have always been wondering whether it was a good idea to fall in love with my own cousin. Ever since he got here, we have been locked in quarrels and fights almost every fortnight... Dad even threatened to send him away if it keeps up.
Just last week...i think. we quarreled again. It wasnt our usual heated quarrels where we start pulling slaps and punches. It was...cold. I dont know. Ciel wasnt even whining. He just...looks uninterested. At that point. i think it was a sudden wakeup call that Ciel was not going to be by my side forever if this keeps up. Even though Dad promised that he wont send Ciel away, but it doesnt gurantee that Ciel will still love me like he did last time.
Well. i tried talking after the quarrel...it got through to him. You have no idea how relieved I was when he actually smiled at the stupid jokes i made. I think its really time...I have to start learning to appreciate Ciel. From now, it will not be Ciel chasing after me, it will be me running back for him. I pray it would last.
A little write up that never did come about of mine and ciel's profile
Name: Yuuto Kamiya
Age: 16 [human years]
D.O.B: 26 Nov
likes: my creepers,Ciel,my fake leather pants,my doggeh toy
dislikes: my lip piercing, the ugly head at my house[Seth],dresses, wearin shirts at home
faceup artist: Chiaki , Dad
favourite tailor: M.Y. jiejie >D
fav clothes brand: h.naoto ;A;
Name: Ciel de Rehauste
Age: 14 [human years]
D.O.B: 24 Nov
likes: Yuuto, cute stuff >///<, Uncle Sochii
dislikes: non for now
faceup artist: Uncle Sochii
favourite tailor: Aunty Suzhou
fav clothes brand: Burberry
==== Pictures update ======
Sharing a Secret

Lovely times
Ciel: Promise you'll never let go
Yuuto: I promise...
Ciel: ... haha...liar
Yuuto: ^^ ....I try not to
Ciel: ^^...